Stop the Bleed - January 19th

Stop the Bleed

The person next to a bleeding victim may very well be the one who’s most likely to save him or her from bleeding to death. By learning how to STOP THE BLEED®, you’ll gain the ability to recognize life-threatening bleeding and act quickly and effectively to control bleeding once you learn three quick techniques. Take the STOP THE BLEED® training course and become empowered to make a life or death difference when a bleeding emergency happens.  

Our instructors will teach you live—in person, using specially developed bleeding control techniques. They will not only instruct you, they will be available to check your movements as you practice three different bleeding control actions. They will keep working with you until you demonstrate the correct skills to STOP THE BLEED® and save a life.

The first course is scheduled for January 19th at 6:30pm. It will be held at 101 Old Plantersville Rd. Montgomery, TX 77316.